There are now so many lines for running with your dog available, it’s hard to know which one to go for, so I thought I’d write a little bit about the types and my own experiences of which works best for me in which situation.
One of the toughest webbing lines I use for training is the Howling Dog Alaska Line:

However, the Howling Dog Alaska Line is quite long and some people find it too long if their dog is new to the pulling sports and doesn’t always pull out in front.
If you’re looking for a slightly shorter line I particularly like the Non-Stop Canicross/Skijor/Bikejor line because it comes in a variety of lengths and has the bungee integrated with no knots in the line, which means it is shorter initially but stretches to the same length as the longer lines. For more information or to see purchase options go to:

Our best selling lines also made of webbing, which is softer on the hands, are the Arctic Wolf lines, also available in a variety of lengths to suit your needs and with an integrated grab handle near the clip which attaches to your dog.

One of my favourite lines in my collection of lines and one of the most useful is the Bono’s Canicross/Walking Line ( I introduced this line to the K9 Trail Time range as a result of some complaints at Parkruns that other runners were finding the canicrossers lines a trip hazard. The line is much shorter than a normal canicross line and keeps your dog really close to you, it also has a handy grab handle on the outside of the line near to where it attaches to your dog for greater control when needed, for example by roads. It is also suitable for normal dog walking but not long enough for bikejor or scootering.

The Bono Lines are also now available in a standard length:
And a two dog option:
As you can see there is quite a choice available to you and if you would like any more advice or information on any of the Lines I use and sell at K9 Trail Time, please do not hesitate to contact me ( and I would happy to help.