Canicross for beginners – A reading list

We’ve been writing and publishing blogs for a number of years now, covering loads of topics but it is often hard to find the ones that are most suitable for what might help you in beginning your canicross journey.

It's sometimes hard to know where to start when beginning to train for canicross
It’s sometimes hard to know where to start when beginning to train for canicross

So we have put together a list of the top ten blogs from our database to help get you started:

Number 1: To give you a brief introduction

Number 2: An idea of where to start

Number 3: How to choose a harness

Number 4: How to tell if your harness fits

Number 5: How to choose a belt

Number 6: How to choose a line

Number 7: When to start running your dog

Number 8: What to think about before racing

Number 9: How to start a canicross group for those social runs

Number 10: your 10 Commandments (just for fun!)

We have so much information available on our blog for you to browse through, this just scratches the surface but hopefully covers the very basics you might want to research before you get canicrossing with your dog.

Happy trails!


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