Arctic Wolf Multi Sport Harness


The Arctic Wolf Multi Sport Harness is a unique style of harness with the traditional diamond-shaped neck suitable for all breeds and all dog sports

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Arctic Wolf have a brand new harness for the new 2022 season. It features a traditional diamond-shaped neck opening and is padded to the middle of the dog where a belly strap rests to help prevent a dog from backing out of the harness.

The back section then has a strong rope loop to attach your line to and this ensures the pull is directed along the dogs’ body from underneath but doesn’t slide around on your dogs’ back if your dog moves to the side when running.

K9 Trail Time recommends this type of harness for all types of dog who want to take part in any of the dog sports of canicross, bikejor and dog scootering.

All sizes feature the Orange webbing Colour with the inset webbing tab dependent on size as follows:

Size Colour Dogs Weight Neck opening (of harness)

00 Pink under 8kgs

o Light Blue 8-10kgs

1 White 10-14 kgs 40 cms

2 Yellow 15-17 kgs 42 cms

3 Red 18-21 kgs 44 cms

4 Blue 20-23 kgs 46 cms

5 Grey 23-27 kgs 48 cms

6 Black 26-30 kgs 50 cms

7 Gold 29-33 kgs 52 cms


If you are building your perfect set all you need to do is add your Harness, Belt & Line to the basket and then you can use one of the following codes to get a discount for buying the complete set – the discount increases the more you spend

If your basket total is under £100 – use the code STARTERSETUNDER£100 to get your discount

If your basket total is between £100 and £150 – use the code STARTERSET£100TO£150

If your basket total is over £150 – use the code STARTERSETOVER£150

Additional information

Weight N/A

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