K9 Trail Time Myth Buster Number 1 – You have to be super fit to canicross
At K9 Trail Time we often hear the words 'I'm not fit enough to run with my dog' and we'd like to dispel that myth and turn it into 'you…
At K9 Trail Time we often hear the words 'I'm not fit enough to run with my dog' and we'd like to dispel that myth and turn it into 'you…
K9 Trail Time Team member Heather Jenner has recently come back from the Trophee des Montagnes race series in France and she has written a set of top tips for…
With so many more new people coming into the dog sport of canicross and not having seen the range of canicross belts in person, it can be very difficult to…
When we first got into canicross we'd never done any dog sports competitively (unless you count a failed attempt at a flyball show!) so it was quite daunting going along…
We're still working our way through the A-Z of Canicross and so now we're at 'S' we can't ignore the fact that canicross is a recognised sport, with it's own…
Voice commands are a big part of training in the dog sports and it's important you get them right for you to get the best from your dog, so we…
Now you could be forgiven for thinking that the 'R' in the K9 Trail Time A-Z of Canicross would be for 'run' and although running is an important part of canicross,…
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